Page 5 - revista Música na Educação Básica
P. 5


Editorial 5

Sharing a Musical and Afective Ambience with Babies 8
Juliane Raniro e Ilza Zenker Leme Joly

The curtains are opened: the sound of the orchestra and its instruments 20
Janaína Machado Asseburg Lima

The recorder as an artistic instrument: an experience in the classroom 32
Luciana Aparecida Schmidt dos Santos e Miguel Pereira dos Santos Junior

Sounds Track, building musical writing 48
Alessandra Nunes de Castro Silva

Instrumental ensemble practice in basic education 58
Zuraida Abud Bastião

Rifs forever: rock in the classroom 70
Maria Cecília Cavalieri França

Online digital games and music teaching:
proposals for group music practice 86
Andreia Veber e Tiago Brizolara da Rosa

About the Authors 100

Colaborator s instructions 106

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